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the Puppet Master
Gothic / Progressive / Metal / Punk

Dystopia, Alaska
United Kingdom

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My Name is Death demo2235
Prometheus Rising demo1621
Soul Suicide1758

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Band Bio

The Puppet Master unmasked…

Hailing from the docklands of northwest England, the Puppet Master formed late in 2006 after twins Elihu Lazarus (Vance Kirkland) and Logan Balthazar (Vince Kirkland) were brought together for the first time after being separated at birth. You will have heard many stories about twins separated at birth and reunited later on in life, but probably none like this. The Kirkland twins first met not after years of looking for each other, but through a chance meeting at the party of a mutual friend.

Like many such twins although not identical, they found they had much in common. Although one had been raised as a Catholic, and the other as a Jew, both had totally rejected organised religion. Both had suffered the same recurring nightmare. But most importantly they had both served apprenticeships in rock bands. Both sing and play guitar although through natural selection Lazarus gravitated more towards guitar while Balthazars calling was vocals.

With the addition of bassist Charon, drummer Gui and Dr Sulphate on synthesisers and loops, the twins formed the Puppet Master, taking their name from Robert E Heinleins 1951 science fiction novel, The Puppet Masters because the book has many similarities with their shared nightmare - battling against slug-like parasitic invaders from outer space. Like the hero of Heinlein’s book, Lazarus now claims to have changed his appearance so many times that he can no longer remember how he originally looked...

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The Disadvantaged
The Disadvantaged
Posted: Wednesday February 18, 2009 08:21

Yo dude, hows things?
Sorry, just abit of mindless promotion.

We're a Punk/SKA/Rap band,
we just finished recording our FREE 6 track EP.
If your keen to download it, just follow the link!!



Music should be free!!
Cheers n beers

Common Enemy
Common Enemy
Posted: Thursday December 11, 2008 02:49

Check out the new song "Just Another Enemy"
If you want to hear more click on the banner above to go to our myspace page!


The Castro Zombies & The Mutant Phlegm
The Castro Zombies & The Mutant Phlegm
Posted: Sunday September 21, 2008 03:35

Now is available new remix of "Bathroom Girl" (demo versión, rehearsal at the gravity) If you want could download and hear, I hope that you like it.