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The Castro Zombies & The Mutant Phlegm
Punk / Garage / Thrash / Hardcore


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Ramones, Misfits, Social Distortion, Kreator, Tankard, Voivod, Anthrax, Megadeth, Sex Pistols, Mazo, Cicatriz, Agnostic Front, Germs, La Polla Records, Motörhead, Sick Of It All, Turbonegro...
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Oversexed and underfucked1335
Sampler 2X1=3 The Castro Zombies-El Bueno, El Fe2299

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Band Bio

The idea of forming a punk rock band with strong influences from bands like The Ramones, The Misfits or Social Distortion starts in the Summer of the year 2006 when former Deuteronomium, Lunatic Bumblebees, 38-dd, or Shaken Not Stirred drummer, the German Nicolas Hock met former Orquídea Negra and Enanos Kabezones drummer Ferri. Both musicians felt the need of changing instruments and for this new project Nico has taken up the electric guitar – and has started singing his own compositions – while Ferri has taken up the bass guitar and some vocals, since he even got to sing in a classic heavy metal band influenced by Led Zeppelin or Iron Maiden. His vocals were less melodious than the singers from those bands, so he decided to focus on his flute studies, doing a U-turn to investigate on other musical fields.

Because nobody wanted to play the drums, they spoke at first with an old friend, Juan Téllez, who had played in punk rock bands like The Intoxicated Men, but his current non-stop action with The Hairy Nipples prevented him from taking the post. After some auditioning, long-time friend and ex- Y Dale! and La Alegría Del Barrio drummer joined the band. As a curiosity, Nicolas Hock gave four solo gigs in 1999 playing the Spanish guitar and singing Johnny Cash songs, ont of them in Swanee, Tennesee, USA.

There is currently a lot of new material influenced by The Ramones, Mazo, Cicatriz, Motörhead or Agnostic Front, with lyrics both in English and Spanish – with some German or Argentinian Spanish. Out-on-the-street songs which tell some funny (and other not so funny) anecdotes, but which try to throw a satiric and bitter view on some personal events and atypical characters which this German-Spanish trio have come across. Some of the songs speak about those characters which we hope all good punk rock fans will soon be familiar with: “Bathroom Girl”, “Gothic Chic”, “Butthead”, “Gervasio” or “El chulo de tasca y el energúmeno convencido (En esta tierra)”. They also have a Spanish version of the song “Astro Zombies” by The Misfits, which will be the best introduction for the band. They have also covered Johnny Cash and Falco.

There is currently, Wen member of El Bueno, El Feo y El Malo plays the drums with us.

The Castro Zombies and The Mutant Phlegm are:

- Black Pantera - Vocals & whip.

- Ferríkola– Bass guitar and vocals.

- Txetxu - Guitar.

- Wen – Drums & vocals.

Old members: Nicolas Hock (guitar and vocals); Manolo López (drums) and Marisol (drums).


"Vintage: Rehearsals & Gigs" (demo CD, 2008)

"The IncredibleS Stories About As The Punks Came From Outer X-PAIN, Iberian Rock Cities, Collector's Compilation Vol. 1" (Vinyl LP SPLIT 12", 2009)

"2x1=3" (Split with BFM y Dirty Sánches, CD ALBUM, 2010)

"The Beauty Full Monsters, Collector's Compilation Vol. 2" (CD ALBUM SPLIT & Vinyl LP 12", 2011)

"Coleccion De Kretinos" (CD Album split with Malformaciones Kongenitas, Sobredosis and L'Autista Punk i Els Adherits. 2012)

"I'ts Only Punk, Collector's Compilation Vol.3" (Vinyl Split 12" with Enterradores, Algo Toxico, Familia Cretina and Sex Fuhrers. 2013)

"Punk Contra O Fascismo" (CD Split Brasilian & Spanish bands against fascism, 2018)

"Smashes, Punkies & Shits" (CD compilation album, 2018)

"Rehearsals at the Gravity" (EP digital + bonus tracks + videos promos, rare and lives, 2021)

"Halloween 2022: XV Anniversary" (EP digital + bonus tracks + videos & pictures promos, rare & lives, 2022)

Are you interested in recording vinyls and playing live? You can contact us: or visit:

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Musikaze Collector's Series

By Juan Carlos Laguna

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Band Merchandise
Vintage (demo CD) CD

Vintage (demo CD)
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The Incredible Stories About As The Punks Came From Outer X-PAIN, Vinyl LP 12 Other

The Incredible Stories About As The Punks Came From Outer X-PAIN, Vinyl LP 12
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2x1=3 (Split with BFM y Dirty Sánches, CD ALBUM) CD

2x1=3 (Split with BFM y Dirty Sánches, CD ALBUM)
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The Beauty Full Monsters, Collector CD

The Beauty Full Monsters, Collector's Compilation Vol. 2 (CD ALBUM)
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The Beauty Full Monsters, Collector Other

The Beauty Full Monsters, Collector's Compilation Vol. 2, Vinyl 12
Buy Now T-Shirt Other T-Shirt
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Logo T-Shirt T-Shirt

Logo T-Shirt
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Colección de Kretinos Vol.1 (Split CD album) CD

Colección de Kretinos Vol.1 (Split CD album)
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Fanzine Other

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Pack CD + Fanzine Other

Pack CD + Fanzine
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It Other

It's Only Punk. Collector's Compilation Vol. 3 (LP Vinyl Split)
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Pack 3 Vinyl Limited Edition: Special Collector Other

Pack 3 Vinyl Limited Edition: Special Collector's Series DIY Record Label
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Punk Contra O Fascismo CD

Punk Contra O Fascismo
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Smashes, Punkies & Shits CD

Smashes, Punkies & Shits
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Rehearsals at the Gravity Other

Rehearsals at the Gravity
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Halloween 2022: XV Anniversary Other

Halloween 2022: XV Anniversary
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Collectors Series DIY DISTRO
Collectors Series DIY DISTRO
Posted: Thursday December 14, 2023 11:26

ThanX for support!

To talk about Rotten Heads is to immerse ourselves in the “Málaga Underground” of the early 90s, collecting all the essence and spirit of the 80s. Historical formation of Iberian Hardcore Punk of the 90s, which germinated in the south of the peninsula, more specifically in Malaga, Spain ...

Rotten Heads - "Historias para no dormir" LP remix and remastered from 90's demos

Collector's Series DIY (DISTRO)
Posted: Wednesday December 13, 2023 07:01

Hey Cheers for the add & support!!
Look at this and tell us... Rock on!!

Historical Canarian band with more three decades without rest. CD transparent with booklet 14 pages, which includes lyrics and a lot of information related to the conceptual content in deference to feminist resilience. Very careful production and message.

Malformaciones Kongénitas - 'Hasta los ovarios'

Posted: Tuesday December 12, 2023 07:10

Ansiedad Cerebral is a punk band with many influences from the 80s, stories that can range from the Último Resorte saga with Álgo Tóxico at the helm, without forgetting Espasmódicos saga, TDeK, and of course, Larsen or HHH.

ANSIEDAD CEREBRAL - "Terapia Hipn​ó​tico​-​Regresiva"

Posted: Wednesday November 29, 2023 05:24

Hi, Thanks for your support!

Black Friday Everytime! sale now on... Black Friday Sale - Up To 90% Off Digital complete Discography!.... Or pack 3CD x price one! Look at our 57 available references and enjoy of Black Friday with Collector's Series DIY Crew for way of '25th Anniversary' actions.
Copy & paste, share it!!

Collector's Series DIY Label Records 'Special 25

Dirty Sánches
Dirty Sánches
Posted: Monday July 25, 2016 10:21

Collector's Series, Spanish Distro No Comercial, DIY


Virtual Vstore (International, in English)

Musikaze Shop's - Collector's Series

Bid & packs EBAY

Bid & packs Todocolección

Dirty Sánches
Dirty Sánches
Posted: Tuesday June 30, 2009 03:37

COngRatuLAtiONs from X-PAIN!


Posted: Wednesday June 03, 2009 08:39

Checkout our new Sexxy website
Sign our Guestbook and leave some Porn love !
thanks !

The Divebombers
The Divebombers
Posted: Tuesday May 26, 2009 04:43

Thanks for adding THE DIVEBOMBERS. Check out the songs on our page. If you have a myspace, add us:

Mind Puzzlin'
Mind Puzzlin
Posted: Sunday February 15, 2009 03:10

Hey dude, We're a Punk/SKA/Rap band,
we just finished recording our FREE 6 track EP.
If your keen to download it, just follow the link!!



Music should be free!!
Cheers n beers,

Posted: Monday February 09, 2009 06:52

Hey, how are you doing?
Thanx a lot for the support, we really appreciate it.
Live for freedom, live for music, no gods, and no masters!
Let's keep Punk Rock underground and independent away from big money investors that drain art by its source. Thank you for supporting your local scene and

One Legacy
One Legacy
Posted: Monday December 22, 2008 11:50

check out our shit!!!!!

Dirt Williams
Dirt Williams
Posted: Friday December 19, 2008 07:58


Rich Z
Rich Z
Posted: Tuesday December 16, 2008 10:24

Check out the Stitches video footage we have been sitting on....

We put this together not too long ago.

Let us know what you think on the Talkshit page!

Rich Z

Zombies Ate My Nation
Zombies Ate My Nation
Posted: Wednesday December 10, 2008 11:20


Rude & Reckless
Rude & Reckless
Posted: Wednesday December 10, 2008 02:41

Aww. happy holidays to you too!
Best of luck for the new year.