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Punk / Hardcore / Rock

Garden Grove, California
United States

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Suicidal Tendencies meets Megadeth meets Fang's Landshark.
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Band Bio

"This... act packs a punk rock punch that Mike Tyson would sell his mother for. Looking back over their shoulders to 80's hardcore bands like Suicidal Tendencies and Black Flag, the music points forward in everyway. Pounding, driving, bashing, it's all there and man o man alive, is it sweet." -Path Radio.

Terezodu arose in the summer of '05 to take the world by storm. Leo Ulfelder has captivated minds and eyes as he sings his own disturbing "facts of life" to the crowd, backed by Matt Haynes' shredding guitar leads and Patrick McIsaac's pummelling bass lines while Alex Schultz massacres the world with his drums. After releasing several DIY EP's such as "Anatomy", selling them at shows, small record stores and networking them throughout the underground music scene, TEREZODU decided to release their first Full Length Album titled "Sow My Disciples", Recorded by Geza X (Who has produced bands such as Black Flag and The Germs)and Paul Roessler (Sceamers, Nina Hagen, Dead Kennedys) at Satellite Park Studios in Malibu, CA. The Album consists of 15 maddening masterpieces including their single, Minority of One which is set to release March 25, 2008. Constantly touring, networking and thrashing. TEREZODU's sound of Punkrock/Metal Crossover is a force yet to be reckoned with, and they show no signs of slowing down. Not even for a piss break.

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Comment 1-2 of 2 Friends Comments
Posted: Monday January 04, 2010 04:55

Greetings and cheers,All the best for 2010

Rich Z
Rich Z
Posted: Monday May 05, 2008 03:35

In case you missed the BBQ the other weekend, here is The Johns!!!

Hope to see you at the next one!