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Punk / Glam / New Wave

Chattanooga, Tennessee
United States

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Old school punk, new wave, & a little bit of crossdressing.
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Band Bio

Courtney-Vocals/ Erikka-Bass/ Jamie-Drums/ Sloan-Guitar

'''TYBER STRYKE''' is a rowdy unorganized band of fools that spread fun and good-times througout the land. Formed in fall 2005, they played a chaotic string of super-sweet and fun shows leading up to almost a year of silence. Then, in late 2006, they began playing shows once again until the fall of 2007, when Sloan moved to Maryland forcing the band to take an indefinite hiatus.

While many rehearsal recordings were made, none of this material was ever released outside of the band's Myspace page until Erikka Anarchy took it upon him/herself to release a compilation of rehearsal and live recordings as a demo in April 2007. The demo features four live tracks and six tracks of live rehearsal recordings.

Erikka & Jamie are currently in 40 OZ.FOLKLORE, Courtney is in TELLY & THE RED ANTS, while Sloan is in Maryland, playing in WRECKLESS MOJO.

Upcoming Shows
We have no shows we want to list at this time.
Band Merchandise
Tyber Stryke Demo + Live  C.D. $4.00 Ppd CD

Tyber Stryke Demo + Live C.D. $4.00 Ppd
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Redd Tyde
Redd Tyde
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Turd Ferguson
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GG[[is very rude]]
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Krista K
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Comment 1-2 of 2 Friends Comments
The Disadvantaged
The Disadvantaged
Posted: Tuesday March 17, 2009 03:23

Yo, hows things?
sorry, just doing a bit of mindless promotion.

We're a Punk/SKA/Rap band,
we just finished recording our FREE 6 track EP.
If your keen to download it, just follow the link!!



Music should be free!!
Cheers n beers

Dee Gates
Dee Gates
Posted: Saturday August 02, 2008 01:21

Hey there. =] Would you do me a really huge favor? Take a listen to Cheap Smokes; they're the best punk rock band coming out of my city of Henderson Kentucky. They really need some good and loyal fans and some support to help them make it to the big time. So just download their music it, give it a listen, and tell 'em what you think =] Thank you.