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the wieenis
Polka / Funk / Boogie Woogie

alll, Other

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the wieenis has not yet published a bio.

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There are 66 friends in My Mosh Pit.
Common Enemy
Common Enemy
Dirty Toilets
Dirty Toilets
Final Solution
Final Solution
Mada Oi!
Mada Oi!
Jonny Taint
Jonny Taint
Harms Way
Harms Way
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Comment 1-3 of 3 Friends Comments
The Smart-Alecs
The Smart-Alecs
Posted: Thursday May 08, 2008 12:24

Thanks for the Add!

The Smart Alecs

Sweet 'n' Ink'd
Posted: Wednesday April 30, 2008 06:45

Thnx for the add!!! No Get Your Asses to NYC!!! =D

Posted: Thursday April 17, 2008 09:49

wow man im sry to hear that i can relate on some level on what uve been thru i understand

and it may or may not haunt me but diff people handle everything diff and 4 me it was 1 of the most traumatic things iver ever had to deal w/ i hope everythings well 4 u and will always b thx alot man take care message me back