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Deadthyme Radio Show
Deadthyme Radio Show


UnKnOwN, 35 years old
United States

Happy eating ice cream

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Favorite Bands: Some bands played on the show: the accused, acid bath, agathocles, agnostic front, alien sex fiend, amebix, anal cunt, anti-flag, apoptygma berzerk, asschapel, asshole parade, attak, aus-rotten, avskum, b.g.k., babyland, bad brains, bad religion, bauhaus, bella morte, benumb, big black, bile, the birthday party, bizarre x, black flag, black market fetus, black ss, bleeding through, bloody phoenix, blue sabbath black cheer, bones brigade, born against, bozo porno circus, the brides, broken bones, brutal truth, (old) butthole surfers, c.r.@.s.s., capitalist casualties, career suicide, catheter, caustic christ, celtic frost, cevin key, chaos uk, christian death, chrome, circle jerks, clit 45, code 13, coil, combichrist, comeback kid, concrete facelift, concrete sox, conflict, controlled bleeding, converge, cop shoot cop, cradle of filth, cretin, cripple bastards, crocodile shop, crow, the cruxshadows, cryptic slaughter, current 93, d.o.a., d.r.i., the damned, danzig, das ich, dead horse, dead kennedys, death by stereo, die krupps, die young, the dillinger escape plan, direct control, discharge, discordance axis, doom, doppelganger, driller killer, drop dead, dystopia, einsturzende neubauten, electric hellfire club, the endless blockade, every time i die, evil's toy, exit 13, the exploited, extreme noise terror, faith and the muse, fang, fantomas, fear factory, fields of the nephelim, fight pretty, flipper, foetus, 45 grave, from ashes rise, front 242, front line assembly, fuck... i'm dead, garden of delight, genghis tron, germs, the gerogerigegege, godflesh, government issue, gwar, h.i.m., hatebreed, the hates, haujobb, hellnation, heresy, the holy mountain, the hope conspiracy, hunting lodge, husker du, icon of coil, ikon, imperial leather, in defence, in strict confidence, infest, inkubus sukkubus, insect warfare, iron lung, jack off jill, joy division, killing joke, kmfdm, knuckle scraper, the kovenant, lack of interest, laibach, lard, l'a'rm, leather strip, legendary pink dots, limp wrist, london after midnight, look back and laugh, looking for an answer, lords of light, love like blood, lustmord, m.d.c., magrudergrind, man is the bastard, melt banana, the melvins, mentallo + the fixer, merry thoughts, merzbow, ministry, minor threat, minutemen, the misfits, mob 47, monster x, moonspell, mortiis, mouth sewn shut, municipal waste, my dying bride, napalm death, nasum, negative approach, negativland, neurosis, nofx, nomeansno, numb, nurse with wound, ohuzaru, oi polloi, oneiroid psychosis, out out, outo, the pain teens, paint it black, paradise lost, phobia, pig, pig destroyer, pigface, poison idea, poison the well, pretty little flower, project pitchfork, r.a.m.b.o., raised in black, rasputina, ratos de porao, rattus, raw power, reason of insanity, red harvest, remembering never, repulsion, resist and exist, revolting cocks, riistityt, rosetta stone, rudimentary peni, ruido, rusted shut, s.o.b., s.s.d., samael, samhain, savage republic, sayyadina, the scarlet letter, screeching weasel, seein red, senseless apocalypse, sentenced, septic death, seraphim shock, 7 seconds, severed head of state, sick of it all, siege, signal lost, sisters of mercy, skarp, skinny puppy, skitsystem, skullflower, sleep chamber, spahn ranch, spazz, spermbirds, strung up, swans, switchblade symphony, terror, terveet kadet, test dept., throbbing gristle, tiamat, today is the day, totalitar, tragedy, type o negative, uncurbed, unholy grave, unruh, unsane, uzi suicide, vanishing, velvet acid christ, vice squad, victims, virgin prunes, voetsek, the wake, walls of jericho, warcollapse, whitehouse, wire, wolfbrigade, wolf eyes, world burns to death, the wretched, :wumpscut:, x marks the pedwalk, yacopsae, yelworc, youth of today, tons more...

Deadthyme Radio Show's Contact Information
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deadthyme is now available as a podcast! Go here: (also on iTunes).

This is a space for my main radio show [deadthyme]. The first show was broadcast on May 2, 2005; For playlists (from the very first episode to now), as well as an alphabetical listing of every song ever played on the show (with the dates they were played) (which is usually slightly out of date- I'm always a little behind on updating that part because it takes so long), a list of every "Ep On Three" (in which I play an entire classic 7" or 12"ep on the third week of every month),links, DJ info, etc. go to the official deadthyme website: [deadthyme] is an underground modern counter-culture music show. Modern counter-culture music can be defined many different ways, but for this show it's defined as punk, goth, industrial, and all the subgenres therein (death rock, hardcore, industrial noise, grindcore, darkwave, crust, oi!, e.b.m., d-beat, noizecore, gothic metal, power violence, straight-edge, horror punk, experimental, etc.) as well as other forms ov offbeat music that slip between the cracks (such as Negativland, Swans, Chrome, Big Black, etc.) and even a little extreme metal and doom/ funeral doom on occasion.

It comes on every week from 2:30 AM to 5 AM Sunday night/ Monday morning (whichever you prefer to call it) U.S. Central time on KPFT 90.1 FM in Houston, TX.

For more info, comments, requests, e-mail: (or just message me here). If you want your band played on my show, send me your music to: deadthyme/ P.O. Box 2584/ Conroe, Tx 77305.

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Common Enemy
Common Enemy
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loko tirimba
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Jenny Rotten
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Total Kunt
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Crude Enlightenment
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Krista K
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One Man Mosh Pit
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Warning: getimagesize( failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /home/mohawkradio/public_html/dblib.php on line 5125
Posted: Tuesday December 08, 2009 09:26

Hallo Deadthyme,Greetings and cheers

The Disadvantaged
The Disadvantaged
Posted: Monday February 16, 2009 09:57

Hey dude, We're a Punk/SKA/Rap band,
we just finished recording our FREE 6 track EP.
If your keen to download it, just follow the link!!



Music should be free!!
Cheers n beers,

Just Effin' Eric
Just Effin
Posted: Tuesday February 10, 2009 12:21

Where were you when I was living in Houston?!?

Cheers for the add!

Posted: Tuesday February 10, 2009 02:36

Hey, how are you doing?
Thanx a lot for the support, we really appreciate it.
Live for freedom, live for music, no gods, and no masters!
Let's keep Punk Rock underground and independent away from big money investors that drain art by its source. Thank you for supporting your local scene and!

Posted: Wednesday July 16, 2008 05:33

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Fish and the CrawDaddys
Fish and the CrawDaddys
Posted: Wednesday July 02, 2008 08:46

Common Enemy
Common Enemy
Posted: Tuesday July 01, 2008 11:27

Check out the new song "Just Another Enemy"
If you want to hear more click on the banner above to go to our myspace page!