Looking for a good dose of thrash with an injection of punk? This album is just what the doctor ordered. I'm still learning about thrash, but I know good music when I hear it, and I know I can hear a Germs influence in there somewhere. To call the vocals in this band distinctive would be an understatement. I still haven't though of a word for them yet, but they're wild.
Track 3 "Think for Yourself" is a raw, punk rock ripper. The lyrics are not only riot-inspring, but clever and deep too. Everyone will enjoy track 4, "Heroes in a Half Shell." Who didn't love the Ninja Turtles in the 80's?
I love the versatility in the songwriting. "I Give Up" is a chunky, fuck' em all anthem. "Get Tanked" is hilarious and over way too soon. "Shark Attack" paints a gory picture of a badass afternoon gone bloody. Each song on this disc seems to tell a story, whether it's zombies rising from the dead (Skate of the Dead) or a shark attack.
Also, if you chill for a few minutes after the disc ends, track nineteen pops up (unlisted on the CD) with a lounge-y version of "Skate that Shit."
The album art is overall good stuff, but typical skate punk fare. I still like it though. Thrashed out skeletons trash a bar in full regalia. Who wouldn't like that? My favorite part is the skateboarding rat featured on the inside sleeve. Definitely one of the better album covers I've been sent.
Krista K / MohawkRadio Reviews