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Punk / Rock / Garage

Madison, Wisconsin
United States

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In a long line of good things with bizzare names to come from Wisconsin (Pabst, Blatz) here comes the ARGE! The ARGE was formed in 2003 by Bill Borowski (he played with a dude from killdozer for a while, a surf band and a few alt-country bands, but don’t hold that against him) along with his roomate and a few hanger-ons. They all had a love for early Sub-Pop records (ya’ know, when they actually rocked) jamming on Thin Lizzy and avoiding reality as much as possible. The ARGE sent a shockwave through the Madison music scene when they started playing the clubs. Music fans were awakened from their emo-induced apathy and began to have fun again! They play rock’n’roll the way it should be: Loud, sweaty, heart on the sleeve and tongue in cheek. The ARGE has opened for lots of crappy bands, but they prefer to close the bar.

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