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Shut Up Donny
Punk / Metal / Rock / Indie

Palmdale, California
United States

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Song Downloads
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El Boyo Productions169
Manic Mary378
Pug & A Blunt118
Your Mother's Mouth225

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Band Bio

Shut Up Donny fuses punk with metal and grew outa Palmdale. STFUD will take you back and make you look into the future of rock & roll at the same time. Lead singer/guitarist Nick 'The Boy' Jones shreds and drops rock vocal bombs on your beaches. Drummer Andy 'Uncle A' Treadway pounds the drums like a punk pissed at his parents.. And bassist Sunil Mccray beats the bass and brings the backups. Shut Up Donny's first album Goat Island was written and performed by Nick Jones and released on his independent label El Boyo Productions in October 2011. Alls it takes is one listen to see what makes STFUD stand out. So.. It's bout that time ta listen right?

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