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The Swamp Things

Basel, Other

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Band Bio

Various rumors regarding the Swamp Things have been around for years. One common misconception is that they live in a swamp. They don't. They are urban monsters. Their headquarters are under a bridge in the cursed city of Basel, where the horrible basilisk roamed in the olden times (According to the basilisk was "the most dangerous beast that ever existed on earth", but that is questionable, since the Swamp Things have shown to be far more dangerous, even dangereux.)

Below the steps of their eerie abode flows the Rhine river, carrying all sorts of chemical waste and biohazard junk from the so-called "life science industry" (rather "death science industry") which is located a few miles further upstream.

Some of the band members have also been reported to engage in space travel, semi-legal medical experiments, z-ray engineering, blasphemy and/or auto-cannibalism. They are often seen on graveyards and around atomic reactors.

Despite their zombie-like appearance, the Swamp Things are not undead. Neither do they possess any superpowers, apart from the power to ROCK and their status as international punkrock superstars.

While there is still a lot of mystique surrounding the Swamp Things, it can be said that they are actually Atomic Zombie-God Swamp Rock Things From Fucking Outer Space! But that was just too long for a band name, so after a time-consuming evaluation they finally decided to call themselves simply "The Swamp Things".

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chaotic reject
chaotic reject
Posted: Monday October 12, 2009 05:34

cheers for the add :D great stuff