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Quon Poppers
Punk / Glam / Rock / Polka

milwaukee, Wisconsin
United States

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the experience of life and how it fucks your head.
Song Downloads
Click Track Title Below To DownloadDownloaded
01 salute your hands297
02 in heaven/ ooolala220
03 die tonight241
04 trajic300

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Band Bio

Basically a fuck you to suburban lifestyle. the three of us are or were dancers with the Milwaukee Ballet Company. we started in mid may, we drink piss beer, cause it fucking tastes better.

Adam; guitar and bitchin. Justin; bass and bitchin. Mike; drums and throwing sticks.

comment on our shit we want to hear it! oh, and fuck you

Upcoming Shows
We have no shows we want to list at this time.
Band Merchandise
We are not ready to show you what we are selling....yet!
There are 42 friends in My Mosh Pit.
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Just Effin' Eric
Just Effin
Posted: Tuesday August 12, 2008 03:36

cheers for the add
ya gotta come to Miami sometime

Common Enemy
Common Enemy
Posted: Thursday July 31, 2008 05:22

Check out the new song "Just Another Enemy"
If you want to hear more click on the banner above to go to our myspace page!