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"He who goes to bed with ichy butt, wakes with smelly finger..."

Male, 85 years old
Costa Mesa
United States

Happy eating ice cream

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Favorite Bands: It depends on my state of mind...I just like music....period!

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About Me

I am faster than a speeding bullet. I like to wear blue panty hose and a red cape.

Oh yes...and I can fly!

There are 34 friends in My Mosh Pit.
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Zombie Surf Camp
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First Touch
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Jonny Taint
Tessa Riot
Tessa Riot
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Midget Fan Club
A Human and His Stds
A Human and His Stds
Rodents Of Unusual Size
Rodents Of Unusual Size
Fish and the CrawDaddys
Fish and the CrawDaddys
Huff n Stuff
Huff n Stuff
The Castro Zombies & The Mutant Phlegm
The Castro Zombies & The Mutant Phlegm
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The Disadvantaged
The Disadvantaged
Posted: Tuesday March 17, 2009 10:14

Yo, hows things?
sorry, just doing a bit of mindless promotion.

We're a Punk/SKA/Rap band,
we just finished recording our FREE 6 track EP.
If your keen to download it, just follow the link!!



Music should be free!!
Cheers n beers

Posted: Tuesday February 10, 2009 02:19

Hey, how are you doing?
Thanx a lot for the support, we really appreciate it.
Live for freedom, live for music, no gods, and no masters!
Let's keep Punk Rock underground and independent away from big money investors that drain art by its source. Thank you for supporting your local scene.

Posted: Wednesday May 14, 2008 11:28

This is really the one I wanted to send you!

Posted: Wednesday May 14, 2008 11:19


Posted: Wednesday May 14, 2008 06:41¤t=funny2.gif

Rich Z
Rich Z
Posted: Friday May 02, 2008 04:13

Check out this shot from the Basic Bowl BBQ last Saturday.

More to come.

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Delete Account
Posted: Thursday May 01, 2008 07:31

thanks for the add

Rich Z
Rich Z
Posted: Thursday May 01, 2008 03:51

The Johns at the Basic Bowl BBQ!

Check it. Its not as sweet as the period video, but it good!

Rich Z
Rich Z
Posted: Thursday April 24, 2008 04:25

Just doing a test

I wanted to see the leading.

Rich Z
Rich Z
Posted: Thursday April 24, 2008 03:49

No...who is it? It kind of looks like Amy Winehouse, but I don't think she has that big of boobs?

Who is it?

Rich Z
Rich Z
Posted: Tuesday April 15, 2008 09:43

Cool morph!

Box Car Wino
Box Car Wino
Posted: Sunday April 13, 2008 06:12

No MMA for me!

Just sport jiu jitsu. I don't like getting hit.

The new comment section is pretty dang sick!

Box Car Wino
Box Car Wino
Posted: Saturday April 12, 2008 11:41

I know!

We all have metal legs!

Rich Z
Rich Z
Posted: Saturday April 12, 2008 04:02

You had better start warming up. You should go for a knee bar, ankle lock or heel hook.

What if someone puts in an image that is wider than that table? Do you have some code that shrinks it down to its correct width?

Rich Z
Rich Z
Posted: Saturday April 12, 2008 03:31

Whats going on?

I had a threesome last, a black russian and a dirty white whore.

It was good!